15 Ways to Save Money |
You can spend less money by keeping track of all the money that's spent each month in your household. Try doing a 30 day money saving challenge, write down on your calendar the day you're starting the challenge. And when the challenge is complete document how much money you've saved that particular month. You can do a 30 day money saving challenge every month if you choose to.
People that are serious about saving money, will begin to only spend money on things they "need" and less on things they "want."
Here are 15 ways to save money.
- Shop from discount-racks in clothing stores.
- Look for discounts when you buy groceries.
- Look for discounts when shopping for shoes.
- Make meals at home instead of eating fast food.
- Make coffee and smoothies drinks at home.
- Use less electricity at home; unplug items that are not in use.
- If you own a washer and dryer, use them on the weekends and/or after 5:00 p.m.
- Use osculating fans during hot weather to cool an entire room quicker.
- Cut all your credit cards with a pair of scissors, and just keep one card for emergencies.
- Exercise at home instead of at the gym.
- Drive a small compact car that saves gas, instead of a gas-guzzling truck or mini-van.
- Prepare lunches at home for work or school.
- Shop at thrift stores and garage sales for discounts.
- Turn your hobbies into revenue, if it can sell as a product or service.
- Have a family member wash your car; and have a family member or friend groom your front yard.
Check out this book
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IYYKUQI |